Festival Info and Extra Events!

Not long to go  now before Priddy 2018 gets under way and the weather is looking like it’s going to be fantastic so don’t forget your sunscreen!

Here’s some pre-festival information. Firstly, due to extremely dry conditions there will be no barbecues allowed anywhere on the festival site, including camping areas. Obviously, the site is very dry and we have to take precautions against the starting of fires. We thank you for your cooperation in advance.

Secondly, a reminder that there will be no bottled water for sale on site, in order to cut the amount of single-use plastic waste generated. We have installed drinking water taps throughout the site so bring a bottle and fill up! Or you can buy one our brand new stainless steel Priddy bottles. See here for any information.

Finally, we have a few extra events to announce – and they’re free.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings, you can start the day with a Qi Gong class by Mark Pogson. They are held in the Market Square and start at 9.30 on both days.’

There are two fascinating guided walks taking place, both starting at the festival office. On Saturday Dr. Jodie Lewis will lead a walk to look at the ancient history of Priddy, taking in the famous Iron Age barrows and other unique sites.

On Sunday, Les Cloutman takes us around the nearby fields looking for local wildlife, plants and wildflowers. Both walks will be gentle and take about two hours. For times, see the programme or enquire at the festival office.

Also, on Sunday morning at 9.30, our special festival church service will take place in our beautiful village church. Priddy bell ringers will make sure everyone knows the service is about to start. The Old Somerset Russets will accompany the hymns (in the style of a Thomas Hardy church band) and the vicar will give us a joyful service celebrating music and community. Come early as the church will be packed.

And on Saturday at 6pm, choir leader Katrine Reimers has organised a huge singing session on the Green – Priddy adult and children’s choirs (plus others) will create ‘Priddy – 100 voices’ – an event not to be missed.

Throughout the weekend there will be English folk music sessions in the Queen Vic and sing-arounds led by Dick Stephens as well as workshops, sessions and performances in the Fringe and Sessions tents – click on the What’s On tab at the top of the browser for more details.